
life seen thru the eyes of a neurotic 20 something gal in search of something, nothing, and everything....but not all at once...I think.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

That car has a serious problem

Gather round kiddies....Mandy is gonna tell you a story. This is a cautionary tale of what alcohol can do to both woman and machine.

Last weekend some friends piled into a car and drove some 800 miles or more to the beautiful state of Georgia. The group of friends laughed and entertained one another on the drive and arrived safely. The next morning, they awoke to sunny skies and a brand new city just waiting to be explored. After several hours of shopping, eating, and hanging out, the friends retired to their quarters. One of the three was antsy to party in the new city and convinced a reluctant person to join him in his escapades. A trip to the package store (that's what they call liquor stores in the deep south) and a bottle of Grey Goose later and the rest is unfortunately pure truth.

The two friends drank some of that damned Grey Goose as they gussied themselves up to the nines. Upon arrival at the bar, they slammed several varities of the martini along with more shots than either could remember. Loud and friendly, the two made their presence known in the bar and before you knew it, the whole bar was partying with the Texas crowd. More shots and smiles later, one friend became severely inebriated. Upon departure back home, a pit stop was made for greasy fast food---the true cure for the late night munchies after boozin' it up all night. At this point, unable to stop the inevitable, one friend opened the door and let the the sidewalk have a taste of the night. Disgusting, I know. But the fun doesn't stop there friends, oh no.

After this incident, the two arrived at the apartment complex where they were staying with friends. Again, the friend began to get sick, leaned over and began to repeat the above behavior. This time it was not just the sidewalk that enjoyed the fun---no, some poor unsuspecting car and its backside got a taste of the past 5 hours. The friend unleashed the remaining contents of her stomach and stumbled into bed unaware of her behavior.

If you haven't guessed by now, that friend was me. Oh yes...me. The next morning, I peeked outside the window and I know someone there was ready to kill me for tossing my cookies on their car. It was a beautiful luxury car too--2005, fully loaded, tint, and oh so shiny (before I did the deed). That poor thing never knew what hit it...literally.

All in all, remember to eat before you drink and just when you think you are ahead---you are behind and STOP.


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