
life seen thru the eyes of a neurotic 20 something gal in search of something, nothing, and everything....but not all at once...I think.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

the worst kind of cock block

This week I was on vacation. After much debate, I decided to take a trip home, which for those of you who know me, is in the God forsaken country far away from coffee, civilization, and sanity. I took the bus out there cause I was too lazy for anything else. This hot guy, and when I say hot I mean smokin', felt the need to strike up a conversation. What ever act of God caused that I was up for it. So, we are waiting for luggage talking and my dad is waiting for me. He sees me talking and the guy is smiling and I am smiling and we are totally having a freakin moment. That's when good ole dad decides he will strut up grab my luggage and declare extremely loud that he is ready to go. At this point, I am ready to die and crawl into a hole. Damn dad..you just f-ed up my mojo! I was so on the way to gettin the digits or givin them out. You suck.

Offense #2...my lil bro asks if I will tag along with him to one of his college classes. While I was not all that thrilled to go back to school, I did get up and go so I could spend some time with him. The campus, which is HUGE, requires riding a shuttle bus that virtually everyone gets on at some point. This includes hot young male students--:) We are on the shuttle and a hottie turns and gives me the wink and smile. I smile back and when this occurs about three times my brother, looks at me and then looks at the guy and says loud--"WHAT?" Embarrassed doesn't even cover how I felt. I thought the days of the overprotective dad and brothers was over at age 24. Turns out it may have just kicked into high gear.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to feel sorry for the poor ol' boy you bring home to meet your family.

I'd sure like to be a fly on the wall though.


5:31 AM  
Blogger mandy said...

tell me about it! It gets worse each passing year.

9:09 PM  

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