
life seen thru the eyes of a neurotic 20 something gal in search of something, nothing, and everything....but not all at once...I think.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

sleep at last

So yesterday, I woke up and drug myself to work in spite of swollen lymph nodes, a throat so semsitive I couldn't swallow, and red, itchy, watery eyes. Somehow, I made it to work. On the way, i had a sudden epiphany which honestly the more and more I thought, it seemed quite stupid I had never had this realization before. Why the hell am I going to work sick? What possible benefit is there to standing there being a "presence" for my staff. I work hard and too much. I need a day off and should at least take it when my body is falling apart. So I did the unspeakable---I left early. I slept all day yesterday and most of this day away. To be honest, I would sleep more if I could but then I would feel lazy. As if 14 hours is not enough. I feel better. I can swallow, and my body doesn't hurt.

My everlasting thought is now when did I become the workaholic gal that can't even stay in bed with a cold? Is this who I am or what I have become. Scary, and I haven't even hit 25.


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